Monday, May 9, 2011

The past one week

Maybe last week was my busiest week since I arrived in USA. Almost every deep night, or exactly every early morning,  I still had to finish the tasks needed to complete on that day. And before 8:30am I got up to catch the bus, then transfered from downtown to Oakland, where our office located.  My roommate took me to the office before. It just cost us less than 20 minutes on the way. But he went back to his hometown this month.

The things I have done during last week are as following.

I have finished and submitted two IEEE final journal papers, but made a mistake during the process. I uploaded a completely wrong paper. The worse thing was they firstly didnot allow me to change it because it had been sent for publication. And the better news is I modified the files finally with the help of the corresponding editor. Thanks very much for the editor's grateful help.

I have done a seminar to showcase my simulation results related to the novel witricity technology. And that also cost me much time. My supervisor was satisfied with the content and encouraged me to do some other verifications.

I had to pay more attention on my PhD thesis because I will go back to Hong Kong to do my oral defense in  August.

Others, others, other daily issues. You know it is not easy to say what we have done about these things. But we exactly spend much time on them.

Posted by Junhua WANG

1 comment:

  1. That sounds very busy! I am surprised you had time to come to Games Night, but I am very happy that you came!
